1. Windy Night

  2. Miner Knocked Down by Motor-Cyclist.

  3. T

    he circumstance associated with the death of John Cash (58), collier, 17, Hard Lane, Kiveton Park, who died from the result of being knocked down by a motor-cycle, were inquired into by Mr. J. Kenyon Parker and a jury at Sheffield today.

  4. George Cash son of the deceased, said he lived with his father. On March 27th witness found his father at home unconscious, and was told hat he had been knocked down by a motor-cyclist on Red Hill. He was removed to the Sheffield Royal Infirmary, and died on March 28th. The accident happened last Wednesday night. It was a very rough night. From what he had heard, he considered it was a pure accident.

  5. Thomas Holden, miner, Wesley Road, Kiveton Park, stated that he was with deceased at the Station Hotel. Kiveton Park, last Wednesday night. They left at 9:30. Richard Moss, Thomas Parker and James Deakin were with them. It was a rough, windy night. There was a causeway, but it was a very poor one, and they were walking in the road. Deakin shouted "Hey up, here is a motor-bike," and then he saw Cash roll over. Deceased had no chance to get away.

  6. Te wind carried the sound away from them. Deceased was hit on his left side, and toppled over, falling right on his back. The motor-cyclist flew in the other direction. The cyclist had no earthly chance of seeing them. There was a good light on the motor-cycle.

  7. Witness did not blame the motor-cyclist at all. The road was about seven yards wide. Deceased was in the middle of the road. The motor-cyclist was on his proper side.

  8. Dr. Joseph Cope, of the Sheffield Royal Infirmary, aid deceased did not recover consciousness. He had two small wounds on the right side of the head. He died from fracture of the skull and concussion of the brain.

  9. James Deakin, miner 33, Park Terrace, Kiveton Park, stated that he attended to deceased, and some of the other men lifted the motor-cyclist from under his machine. He was in a dazed condition. Witness considered it was a pure accident.

  10. Richard ?, Carrington Terrace, Kiveton Park, and Thomas Parker, 42, Victoria Terrace, Kiveton Park miners, gave similar evidence.

  11. The rider of the motor-cycle, Bertram Burgess, colliery joiner, Goosecar Lane, Todwick, stated that he was travelling at six miles an hour, in low gear. It was a dark, windy night. He sounded his horn twice and passed three men, and "then something happened, and that was all he recollected."

  12. In reply to Mr. Ernest Clegg, who appeared for him, witness said he blew his horn, but did not remember the collision at all.

  13. The verdict was "accidental death, no blame being attached to the rider of the motor-cycle."

  14. Superintendant Haynes, West Riding Police, Rotherham, watched the proceedings.