City/Town : Latitude: 53.4326035, Longitude: -1.3635008999999627
BirthMatches 1 to 7 of 7
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Burgess, Christopher William | 31 Jul 1988 | Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England | I1257 |
2 |
Burgess, Natalie Jayne | 25 Aug 1987 | Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England | I1256 |
3 |
Burgess, Winifred Edith | 13 Oct 1874 | Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England | I70 |
4 |
Mozley, John Aaron | 3 May 1892 | Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England | I1228 |
5 |
Skidmore, Edith | 1896 | Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England | I1312 |
6 |
Staniland, Ian | 23 Nov 1964 | Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England | I1263 |
7 |
Staniland, Joanne | Jan 1963 | Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England | I1262 |
MarriageMatches 1 to 2 of 2